Keep It Clear
Infrastructure Solutions
Epic Marketing proudly represents a wide range of manufacturers of wireless infrastructure equipment, from the most established brands to those positioned to innovate and lead. Since the company was founded more than 35 years ago we have developed enduring and trusted relationships with the carriers and enterprise users of the equipment as well as the companies we represent. Our manufacturers are pleased at the access we provide to end users, and buyers appreciate the industry perspective and expertise we add to the equation.
Epic now serves six Western states and each year its professional sales force generates in excess of $135 million in sales for the companies it represents.
The company was founded by Jim Silke and Bill Ballowe in 1988. The two brought experience from the established land mobile and emerging cellular markets and had worked for manufacturers and network providers, both setting sales records and established reputations for responsive customer services. This perspective and deep understanding of the industry have proved beneficial for all parties served by Epic.
Alive Telecom
Alive Telecom specializes in broadcast antennas, public safety antennas, rooftop installation, testing services, in-building DAS and system design. It provides customized solutions as well as servicing a broad catalog of products. Learn more here:
Advanced wireless, optical, digital and IP handheld test solutions for the equipment, handsets, modules and electronic components in communication systems.
PIM Master
Portable, battery-operated PIM tester with models for 700 MHz, 850 MHz, and 1900/2100 MHz. Distance-to-PIM is integrated into the unit to quickly and accurately identify the location of PIM faults inside the feed system as well as beyond the antenna.
MT1000A Transport Tester
Multi-function tester that can be configured with an array of backhaul/front haul transport testing functions including CPRI/OBSAI, Connector Inspection and OTDR modules to ensure you have the tools you need today plus the expandability for future technologies – all of which are field upgradeable.
Base Station Analyzers BTS Master and Cell Master Base Station Testers
Cable and antenna analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer, Interference Analysis, CDMA/EVDO, GSM, UMTS, LTE Measurements, RF CPRI.
Spectrum Master
Spectrum analyzers with models up to 43 GHz; Interference Analysis and 2G/3G/4G Measurements. Anritsu OTDR Testing from Front-haul to Back-haul featuring Anritsu’s Fiber Visualizer, Simplifying OTDR Measurements.
Huber+Suhner develops and manufactures high-quality components and system solutions for electrical and optical transportation of data and energy. Huber+Suhner Cube Optics manufactures and markets miniaturized fiber optic components, modules and systems, along with carrier-grade transport solutions for use in data and telecommunications (Metro Core, Access, Enterprise, CATV, 3G-Telephony, Datacomm), and other broadband networks.
Kaelus is a recognized leader in test and measurement instruments, cell-site filters, combiners and tower mounted amplifiers. Kaelus was formed in 2010 by the combination of four entities -- each with a legacy of excellence in filtering technology. Kaelus continues to provide the telecommunications industry with high-quality, low PIM products that enable effective global communication. Kaelus’ experience and understanding of the RF environment enables it to excel by developing technically differentiated offerings that are defining the next generation of network performance.
Matsing is the world’s leading provider of RF lens-based antenna solutions. Matsing Multi-Beam antennas utilize RF lens technology to provide the highest performance, highest capacity, multi-beam antennas ideal for improving network performance. Using patented meta-material and manufacturing techniques, Matsing manufactures the world’s lightest and largest spherical Luneburg Lens antennas providing an ideal high capacity, broadband multi-beam solution. By utilizing RF Lens technology for our antenna designs, Matsing provides new, high performance solutions with advantages over traditional antenna designs.
Microlab, a Division of RF Industries, designs and manufactures high-performance passive RF and Microwave components such as dividers, directional couplers, hybrid combiners, terminations and multi-band combiners for use in the deployment of in-building DAS (distributed antenna systems), wireless base stations and small cell networks. They also provide customized integrated solutions, neutral host DAS, Signal Conditioning, and active monitoring and control devices.
Somerset T&M Solutions
Somerset T&M Solutions is a division of Somerset Capital Group, focused on electronic test equipment leasing, rental and sale. Leveraging Somerset’s long established infrastructure, processes, and personnel, Somerset T&M Solutions is actively adding Fiber, DAS and Cellular I&M inventory for immediate lease, rent or discounted sale.
Sun West Engineering
Founded in 1984, Sun West Engineering is located in Phoenix, Arizona. We have established a solid reputation as an industry leader with our innovative approach in developing quality solutions for the communication industry. We are a manufacturer of the COW - Cell On Wheels, COLT – Cell On Light Truck, GOAT – Generator On A Truck, Disaster Recovery Vehicles, the patented Scissor Lift COW/COLT, and the RRU Trailer as well as a variety of different UL® Listed equipment cabinets and enclosures.
Valmont Companies
Valmont creates vital infrastructure that helps keep our roadways safer, connects communities and enables a more resilient and reliable power grid. Companies include the following:
Engineers of small cell concealments for nearly every hybrid spectrum radio and antenna in the industry, ConcealFab works with global OEMs who certify its structural, thermal, and RF capabilities to ensure optimum fit and function. ConcealFab’s strength in engineering is unrivaled by its passion for design. With a variety of pole and pole attachment styles to choose from, integrity, performance, and aesthetics are blended into every ConcealFab concealment.
Larson Camouflage
The Larson line of concealment solutions can be custom-engineered to meet your technical specifications on the inside, while on the outside appear to be a tree, cactus, flag pole, clock tower or anything else you can imagine.
Valmont Structures
Valmont® Structures is one of the world’s leading providers of infrastructure solutions. It is a recognized leader in designing and producing engineered infrastructure for the lighting, transportation and wireless communications industries worldwide. The brands and products Valmont Structures offers are often custom-engineered to meet the specific needs of an individual customer or installation site.